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Two is better than one! 

Liz Halliday leads a very exciting life as a competitive equestrian AND racecar driver! Find out how she juggles both careers and still has time for dinner with friends in London.

How do split your time between your racing and equestrian careers? Are there specific seasons for riding and driving?

I live in England and that’s where I ride, so when I am home, I’m riding full time. I base my seasons around my racing schedule then I pick and choose the riding events around that.

How old were you when you started each sport? What made you interested in each sport?

I got into my first racecar when I was about 16 or 17, which is later than most drivers. My dad always raced and it was always in our family. He was an instructor as well -- he was my first instructor -- so that was sort of a definite for me. The horse riding was all my idea and I was about eight when I first started.

Racecar driving is not a sport known for its female athletes. Have you ever had to deal with discrimination from the guys in your sport or the fans?

I’ve found that at a professional level I don’t really have a hard time. The fans are really glad that there’s a women involved and if you do a good job out on the track then the guys treat you like a racecar driver. Actually, most of the guys are really cool.

If you make a mistake, though, it definitely stands out more and a lot of people will say, “Oh you know, she is a girl.” That does happen, but for the most part it’s not an issue.

What’s your advice for girls who are interested in pursuing a career as a professional athlete?

Be prepared to work hard and make sacrifices for what you want to do, like in your social life. It’s even more difficult for me because I participate in two different sports. I think if there is something you really want to do then you have to be prepared to find out what it is you have to do to get there.

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Liz on:

What Strong, Smart, and Bold means to her...

One of the Girls Inc. Girls’ Bill of Rights states that, “girls have the right to take risks, to strive freely, and to take pride in success.” How does this right apply to your career?

I definitely take risks, more than I probably should. I think any athlete, male or female, has to take risks whether they are physical, mental, or professional. You have to be willing to push hard and believe that you can be successful. A lot of people don’t believe in that [concept] enough, myself being one of them, but I’m learning that it’s an important thing.

A major part of your funding comes from sponsors. How does a sponsorship work? What is the process like? Have you ever turned down an endorsement deal because you didn’t agree with the company’s or product’s mission?

My main sponsor is an eyewear company. Since I race with eyeglasses they found me. They’ll [sponsor] me for the next few years. So far I have not had to turn anyone down yet, so I’ve been lucky.

The Girls Inc. mission is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. How do you feel that you embody this in your athletic pursuits?

You should really embrace whatever you’re working on, the more you know about something the better you’ll be at it. Be bold in anything, be it a career pursuit or athletic pursuits, it’s important for everyone.

Do you ever have spare time? If you do, what do you do when you’re not racing or riding?

In the season I don’t get much time off at all. I really only have time off in the winter. When I can I like to go out in London for dinner with my friends and spend some down time. Also, I like to catch up on my sleep whenever I can!

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