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Girls Inc. Online

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A New Computer?



Hi! I'm Serena! I recently graduated from college, just landed my first job as a Junior Graphic Designer, and am sharing an apartment with a roommate.

I'm really excited to be on my own. There are a lot of financial and economic challenges in my new world. They can be overwhelming at times. Come on my journey and help me with my first tasks of financial independence.

I'm celebrating my 6-month anniversary on my job. I'm doing well and I enjoy my work. A friend from college called and offered me freelance work I can do in my free time. The job is designing a poster and other promotional materials for a summer concert series in the park. This is exactly the type of design work I want to do, but I don't have a computer at home. The freelance work would pay $700. You have to spend money to make money sometimes! The extra money I earn can pay for the investment I'm making in the new computer. I will need a loan or credit card to buy the computer initially, but should have it paid off quickly if I continue to get freelance work.

I've taken the first step and figured out what type of computer, printer, and software I need. I need a computer fast enough to run my graphics software. Once I've developed my design ideas, I'll also need to print them out for the client to review.

Here are my computer needs:

  • Mid-level performance and speed
  • High-resolution monitor 
  • Graphics card
  • CD burner
  • Keyboard and mouse to reduce wrist strain and prevent injury
  • Color printer