You may have some great business ideas, but have you ever thought how much it costs to launch and grow a business? One thing an entrepreneur must do is figure out the cost of delivering her product or service. Check out the activity below and go through the steps of analyzing the various costs necessary to start a business.
Hi! I'm Serena! I recently graduated from college, just landed my first job as a Junior Graphic Designer, and am sharing an apartment with a roommate.
I'm really excited to be on my own. There are a lot of financial and economic challenges in my new world. They can be overwhelming at times. Come on my journey and help me with my first tasks of financial independence.
Meet Kayla. She's 11 years old and loves to draw and play sports - especially soccer.
Watch Aby Figueroa, a Girls Inc. alumna who hails from California, talk about how Girls Inc. programs gave her the knowledge, skills, and encouragement to start her own business.
Girls Inc. Corporate CampSM for Entrepreneurs brings teams of Girls Inc. teen girls to New York City to learn about business ownership from successful women and build leadership skills. Each team is selected from a competition in which Girls Inc. girls are invited to submit business plans for an original product or service. During the week, the teams learn what it takes to start and operate a business and present their ideas to business executives.
Watch interviews from Girls Inc. girls who participated in Girls Inc. Corporate CampSM for Entrepreneurs.